Horlivka Vector Map

Dark Blue

From 10.00 

Shows major geographical features such as coastline, water bodies, railroads, highways, buildings, etc. The content is a perfect data source for a large scale map. The layers consist of feature groups (e.g., Buildings -> Accommodation, Commercial, etc.) that makes customization much easier.


You receive fully-editable and feature layered map in the following formats.

Map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors.
Note, the above mentioned data sources require attribution, see license options for more details.
Style Dark Blue
AI (CS4), PDF (v1.5), PNG
131.2 x 106.1 cm (51.7″ x 41.8″)
7801 x 6309 px
131.2 x 106.1 cm (51.7″ x 41.8″)


Coordinates 48° 18' 31'' N | 38° 4' 43'' E

Transverse Mercator (ETRS89 / UTM zone 37N)


Administrative Boundaries, Background, Buildings, Landuse/Natural Areas, Line Features, Railroads, Roads, Roads\Railroads Tunnels, Water Areas, Water Lines


Administrative Boundaries, Background, Buildings, Landuse/Natural Areas, Line Features, Railroads, Roads, Roads\Railroads Tunnels, Water Areas, Water Lines

Верхньоторецьке, Вуглегірськ, Гольмівський, Єнакієве, Зайцеве, Залізне, Карло-Марксове, Корсунь, Пантелеймоновка, Південне, Північне, Юнокомунарівськ...
Дружба, Каютине, Красний Партизан, Михайлівка, Новоселівка, Озерянівка, Озеряновка, Оленівка, П’ятихатки, Старопетрівське, Широка Балка, Шуми
245 квартал, 88й квартал, 88-й квартал, Аксьонівка, Бессарабка, Житловий масив Комарова, Короленко, Кузнецовка, Куйбишеве, Куйбишево, Микитівка, Мікрорайон Східний, Мічуріна, Посьолок 6-7, Поштовий, Ртутний, Румянцево, Сонячний, Соцмістечко, Фінські, Черемушки, Штерiвка
Аксьонівка, Вірівка, Воробйовка, Вороб'ївка, Гурти, Комсомолець, Кузнєцовка, Майорськ, Мирне, Поклонськ, Селище Ватутіна, Селище Жовтневе, Селище ім. 40-річчя ВЛКСМ, Селище Кіндратівка, Селище Шмідта, Софіївка, Стандартний, Шевченківський хутір
Лозове, Ставки, Федорівка
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Fonts Arial
Data Sources OpenStreetMap
Package Size
11.05 MB
3.17 MB
Date Created


invitations, advertising and promotional projects, including printed materials, product packaging, presentations, film and video presentations, commercials, catalogs, brochures, promotional greeting cards and promotional postcards (ie. not for resale or license) up to an unlimited number of prints
non-commercial, educational or research projects
social media post or profile image
decorative background on a personal computer or mobile device
online or electronic publications, including web pages, blogs, ebooks and videos, limited to a
maximum of 48,000,000 total pixels (for example: 6000px x 8000px) per media file where un-edited
invitations, advertising and promotional projects, including printed materials, product packaging, presentations, catalogs, brochures, promotional greeting cards and postcards up to an unlimited number of prints
entertainment applications, such as books and book covers, magazines, newspapers, editorials, newsletters, and video, broadcast and theatrical presentations up to an unlimited number of prints
prints, posters (i.e. a hardcopy) and other reproductions for personal or promotional purposes, resale, license or other distribution up to an unlimited number of prints
design elements (Props & Scenery) in television broadcasts, short film & full-length film productions
design templates for resale (software, applications & web distribution)
design elements on software applications for resale (smartphones, tablets, desktop operating systems)
in themes, skins and other electronic software meant for resale with unlimited amount of pixels per media file where un-edited